Le savon fait main :
de l'art, de la science, du partage sans frontières, de l'hygiène, du soin, des blogs, des blogueurs, des savonniers

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samedi 27 octobre 2012

Savon “Danse du dragon” méthode peintre

Une nouvelle technique de marbrage Peintre : Peigne + Cintre 

Auteur : Irène

4 commentaires:

  1. What a fabulous blog,it's like a soap gallery! I just went through all posts (later I will use my lap top to translate them) and I was stunned by the selection of amazing soaps.
    I'm following! I have just added it on my G+ account!

  2. My name (above) recently has turned into this one,since I've started my own blog. So,if you ever stop by,you'll be more than welcomed!


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